Friday, January 04, 2008

Happy New You!

I started off the New Year with a little cold. Nothing unusual - just the typical sniffles, cough and sore throat. But what it's allowed me to do is spend some time alone, thinking about what 2008 holds, and what I can make of it.

With each new year, I find a kind of anxiety in the air. Yes, anxiety more than excitement in most people. I think this stems from the fear that all the hopes and dreams we have for the new year just might not occur in reality, and so the disappointment starts before the new year gets off to a good start. Missed opportunities, failed attempts, and wasted time are everyone's fear. So why set yourself up

No resolutions for me. A resolution is a promise. And why promise something that might not get delivered? I prefer, instead, to think about the opportunities I can TAKE during the next quarter. A year is hard to manage; but a quarter - 3 months? I can do that! And I try to never set goals that involve quitting something, or taking something away. Sometimes even just changing the language makes the goal more palatable.

So I set my sights on things like Doing, Making, Creating, Writing, etc, using terms that are positive, action-oriented, and get me revved up!

So I won't be quitting anything this year; or maybe I will but will focus on what I'm gaining. And I'll do a lot more of the things I like doing, am good at, or just plain have fun doing.


FizzWater said...

I hope you blog more than once every eight months...

Bruno LoGreco said...

How is 2008 shaping out?