Sunday, April 01, 2007

The Weak Shall Inherit the Girth

Yes, it's kinda funny. But true. Strength training actually leads to faster metabolism and faster weight loss! I talk to a lot of people who have tried to lose weight - some successfully - through dieting alone. But in the long run, it comes back, and in the process of losing weight, have lost muscle - not fat.

We know that it's important to do three things to make longlasting changes in the body: 1) Proper nutrition, 2)Strength training, resistance training, weight training, and 3) Cardio, cardio, cardio!

When all three happen at the same time - it's magic, not rocket science. Please see a qualified trainer to learn how to perform exercises so that you maximize benefits, and that your form and technique are correct.


Mike said...

How true that all things work together to produce great results. Pumping iron helsp to reduce weight faster and more efficiently.

Sometimes it is such seemingly unrelated things that really catapult the results that we want.

I read of a interview report of Bob Proctor talking about the Science of Getting Rich. How come no one tells me there is exact way to get result on a consistent basis. Just like what you are saying about strength training help to reduce weight faster.You can tell a look at the 21 page report at this link, I think.

Annette Pieper said...

It's unfortunate that many people do not understand the power of weight training to boost metabolism. Thanks for sharing.

Annette Pieper